No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up on the last day. John 6:44
We are all on a journey together into the arms of our loving father.
We need to help each other along the way.
I am grateful for those of you who have helped me along the way. So many of you have been a light to me in a dark place and have shown me the love of God that I needed to see. I give thanks for each of you who have given so generously to provide a way for me to help others in the work that I do.
We are all invited to participate in this ministry of reconciliation, drawing us back to our Father.
We are all on a journey together into the arms of our loving father.
We need to help each other along the way.
I am grateful for those of you who have helped me along the way. So many of you have been a light to me in a dark place and have shown me the love of God that I needed to see. I give thanks for each of you who have given so generously to provide a way for me to help others in the work that I do.
We are all invited to participate in this ministry of reconciliation, drawing us back to our Father.
This is Daniel's story. I have walked with him on the journey. We learned so much together along the way. We need to pick each other up when we fall and show the way back to the Father’s heart of love for us. All it takes is love, presence and patience. Jesus gives those gifts in abundance when we show up and listen to Him together.
I invite you to join in this work. If you’d like to give to support the work I’m doing you can do so here.