Thursday, July 7, 2011

Gratitude: God Prepares Hearts

 This month I want to gratefully acknowledge God for his goodness in sending me so many people whose hearts He has prepared to learn, to be broken, and to receive from Him. 

          I recently taught a five-day Grace Life Workshop, and it was a wonderful opportunity to get to know the 14 people who came. This course is meant to prepare students to listen to the people they serve and share the word of God's grace into their hearts. The theme was learning to listen to the way that God narrates our stories. It was a fun creative journey into the heart of God's love for us and how He sees us as expressions of His Life.

Here is a sample from one of the devotions that I was inspired to share with them. The words are from Jesus to you:

Your life is a letter that anyone can read just by looking at you. I wrote this letter myself - not with ink, but with My Living Spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into your human life. There is nothing you can be more sure of in this world - than that you, yourself, are a letter that reveals who I am. Only I can write such a letter. This letter authorizes you to carry out My new plan of action. This plan is not written with ink on paper, with pages and pages of legal footnotes, killing your spirit. 
 It's written with Spirit on spirit, My Life on your life.

Here are just the surface occupations of the people who attended to give you an idea of the breadth of experience represented in the workshop: a custom tailor, a carpenter, a clinical social worker, a beautician, a physical therapist, as well as several people studying for advanced degrees in counseling. What an amazing experience. Suffice it to say that I saw Jesus working miracles of brokenness, surrender and healing in each Life, and doing everything necessary for His glory to be revealed.

Seeing all the different roles these people play, I realize that the work that Jesus is doing in their hearts will have an effect on them as they lead others in their chosen vocations, in their families, in their churches. So I want to say thank you to all of you who support me in what I do, and celebrate together all the ways that God is bearing fruit in people's hearts through this ministry.

Be Loved,


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