Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Jesus is our provider, our peace and our security.

Today my wife posted this on Facebook, and it made my heart glad. Read the comments below and you’ll see how people responded. My comments are at the end.

Dawn Spoelstra: Amazed how God provides for our family.
LikeUnlike · · 2 hours ago ·

      Jim Wheatley, Donna-Marie Rothnie, Gail Pickens Hayden and 8 others like this.
            Debra McDonald Blake Tell me, did something wonderful happen?
            about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
            Jocelyn Goranson Amen
            about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
          Donna-Marie Rothnie Honestly, I am too. You guys always seem to have all you need or want even when finances are short. It's cool.
            about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
            Dawn Spoelstra Well, we got support from someone for this year and next year, which will help us get a paycheck for the rest of this year, at least. Leif was short on pants in his size, and I went up to the attic for something else and spotted a bag of clothes from Andrea Fowler FULL of pants that fit Leif. We figured out about Peachcare for Kids (thank you, Rebecca Capistrant, and the state of GA) and have gotten free prescriptions and doctors visits for both of our kids...I know there is more, but this is all in the last few days!
            6 minutes ago · Like Unlike · 2
            Charles Spoelstra: I'm even more amazed than Dawn is, because I spend more time wondering how He's going to do it! I'm also incredibly grateful to everyone who responds to His prompting in support and love for us. You know who you are!

To add to my last comment, since I admit that I do spend a little time worrying, I think the most powerful provision that Jesus gives to me is emotional. When I first began in ministry, if you had asked me if I thought we would be able to do it, live off of support, and then add two kids to the mix, I would have said “no way, you’ve got to be kidding me.” Some days, if you catch me in a bad moment, I might even say that now. O Ye of little faith. That’s me, but I guess Jesus gives me just enough of His faith to move the mountain of my doubt, and the fig tree of financial burdens out of the way. Of course, we don't do it, Jesus does. 

 Beyond even that, He provides the peace and comfort I need in my soul to keep me living on support. His presence with me in my soul feels like life support in God's ICU more than anything. On any given day, I could have a panic attack if I think about how the money in our account is always just about to run out. During any given night, I could wake up in a cold sweat and lay awake for the rest of the night wondering how we are going to survive, and condemning myself for not doing enough to raise more support. What does enough look like? I don’t know, but I always know that it’s more than I’m currently doing. These emotional catastrophes are (mostly) held at bay by one simple thing: Jesus is my peace. He has taught us (Dawn and I) to rest in Him, and in that place, no amount of worry can have power. 

I’m not writing this to plead for more support from anyone who is reading, because that is not my path to peace. Instead, my path to peace is to enter into relationship with Jesus moment by moment, and trust Him not only to provide financially, but emotionally as well. Because I trust Him to work through my faithfulness in asking, I will gladly provide you with an opportunity to join in what HE is doing to support us.

Does it work? Well we’re still here, and we’re enjoying our lives with Him, and we’re richly blessed by the Life that He keeps pouring through us to give to other people. And again, He keeps pouring through other people who love us, to provide everything we need: love, friendship, clothing for the kids, finances, childcare you name it, He provides. I think this is just how Grace is supposed to work, and it feels so good.

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