Friday, March 9, 2012

Thursday Night Live: March 29, 2012

Our last Thursday Night Live was wonderful. It was another great opportunity to get to know each other and talk about something that interests us all: dancing through life with Jesus. Thank you so much to everyone who came.

The next time we get together we will share a short devotional on the topic: Jesus Prepares a Place, and each of us will hopefully have an opportunity to benefit the group by sharing the landscape of our prayer life. How does Jesus provide each of us our own place with Him, either a real physical place, or a place in our mind or memory, to make us feel safe in His presence, and allow us to enjoy and relate to Him?

This will be another opportunity to get together and connect. My hope is that we can all begin to tell our stories and really get to know each other so that we can go deeper with our conversation and with Jesus.

The date for this will be March 29, and we’re going to be opening the doors as early as 6:30 pm so that you can come and just chat and get to know each other for the first 30-45 minutes before we  launch into the group conversation. Please call GMI to sign up and let us know you're coming 770.690.0433, or email me: 

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