Your belief about yourself
defines your life.
It motivates your behavior.
If you believe you are a saint, righteous to the core
you will act like one.
If you believe you are a sinner
locked in bondage
you will act out of that bondage.
If you believe you are a free person
you will act free
and acts of love and life, that connect you to others, will flow from you
rather than acts that lead to death and separation.
If you believe you are rejected by God
you will reject all those around you
and will reject yourself and even God.
If you believe the truth
that you are accepted, fully, completely
then acceptance and love will flow from you to all.
If you believe you are all on your own
independent, and that it is all up to you
you will live your life in frustration
exhausted and hopeless of ever succeeding.
But if you believe that you live
in dependence on the One who gave you breath
then you will be able to rest
no matter how hard your are working
because you will know that your life
flows from a source that is beyond your control
and thankfully beyond your ability to supply
or exhaust.
So forget about the counterfeit, the deception, the lie, the
false self
and look in the mirror of God’s love to discover the real
You are the real thing
Look at this person you have become in Christ
and you will live out your true destiny.
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