Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Learning to Breathe in the Light

Lord, the longer I look into the lens of my heart, in response to the pain of my existence, the more I see Your love. I don’t understand how this works, but I see it clearly. Suffering brings knowledge of belovedness, it just is that way. Oh that I could enjoy a pain free life, but that is not to be. In the midst of the pain I find You in the midst of me, and that is a good thing.

what is there to do but breathe in the breath of God
and breath out the pain and the anger and the hate
that this world stirs up in the dusty room of my soul
and then to breathe in again, all the love and life that You are pouring into me.

Every move I make I make in you
You make me move Jesus
Every breath I take I breathe in You

Waves of mercy, waves of Grace, everywhere I look I see Your Face
Your Love has captured me, Oh my God this love how can it be?

somedays it seems that almost every breath is an agony, literally
Agon – battle, struggle, trial, duress, travail.

Over the past week, not every breath has been agony, but any one that I paid attention to was more struggle than I wanted to endure at the moment. If I let go, breathed deeply from my diaphragm, and trusted that I would be able to breathe again without coughing violently, I experienced a kind of peace, a release of the muscles that had spasmed, and a lightening of that hot nerve pain in my lungs and chest.

Charles, feel the light in it’s vibration through you.
I am the light.
You are now a member of the Light.
You are Light in Me.

Light [is] sown for the righteous, And for the upright of heart -- joy. Psalm 97:11

Feel the joy of My presence resonate through your whole being Charles
Rejoice and give thanks in Me, for all things are brought to completion
in the radiance of my Love.
And so you are brought to fullness in My love.
Each day, each night, each breath you breathe
you have a chance to experience the fullness of my Love more completely.
you have another moment to glory in My opinion of you.

I will that every man shall be saved
and come to the realization of the truth.
I am the truth, I am the Word of the good news of God’s love revealed from Heaven for My creation.
and I have reconciled the world to Myself through my cross.

Experience right now the joy of your salvation
and know that you are safe in Me.

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