Sunday, April 10, 2016

Come Out of Your Inner World

Good morning Charles I love you! that was a great ride wasn't it? Cold, beautiful. I know you want to be more connected to me every time you ride. I'm so glad you learned to do appreciation for the world around you and within you, so that your mind can turn to me more and more. I know your rides are lonely without your friend Mark, but I am with you. When you turn your mind to me, you know that you are not alone, and the pain subsides. 

 Let my love teach you to take the risk of coming out of your inner world and meeting with other people right where they are. You woke this morning desiring to pay more attention to your boys, not because they need it, but because it is your father's heart to do so. Don't try to enjoy them, instead notice that you are enjoying them with me. Let the same be true for Dawn. Let your breathing be your guide as you listen to her. Release the fear and arrogance of being solipsistic and come out of your inner world to enter the joyful worlds of others. This is how it is between you and I as we learn and grow together.

 Charles you heard yesterday that if you want to feel special in someone's eyes, as an adult, you learn to let my life flow through you and into their lives. This is the source of your true specialness, and it is a glory to behold. You have a beautiful part to play in my kingdom and I have been teaching you to play it for a long time.

 Listen with fascinated attention as other people put their lives on display before you. You do not need to put your life before them, because you live your life in my presence always beholding my adoration and being beheld by me in all your richness.

 Let your heart sing quietly on the inside as you discover with great joy each person right in front of you. This is my spirit of power and love and a sound mind!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Thrive and Connexus Training

As part of our continued learning process, Dawn and I recently attended Thrive Training with the Life Model Works in Austin Texas and we had an incredible experience of joy and transformation. We needed to attend as bonded partners because so much of the work involved non-verbal, eye to eye communication and building joy. This is training for the right brain, the emotional control center. While most instruction is primarily left brained information and language focused, this work is done with the right brain where emotions, sensations, and our sense of our own identity are processed. These are so important to the work that I do as a counselor and trainer, and crucial to our marriage and family life as well. We had an incredible time of bonding that felt like a second honeymoon to us. Our kids were able to enjoy a week with their friends Gwennan and Will Rothnie, as Mark and Donna Marie we generous enough to care for them so that we could do the training. We are so grateful for this opportunity! If you’d like to learn more about Joy and the brain studies, this video of Jim Wilder is a good place to start. If you want a more bite sized peek into the subject, this is Jim telling about his own encounter with Jesus in a short interview.

The training is focused on teaching brain skills and learning to “turn on” the part of our mind that allows us to connect with God, with our own spirit, and with other people in loving bonds. “When the best of our brain and spirit are in shalom (peace) we are open, interested, flexible, self-reflective and use all our senses. We work to have the other person collaborate with us to reach understanding. We receive, process, respond, explore, understand and join. When we lose shalom our brain suspends the best brain and relational functions: self-reflection, attunement and mind sight. We feel alone, disconnected, and purposeless, we lose our sense of possibility and our role in the current situation, group or activity.”

I have found that this teaching builds wonderfully upon the foundation of grace I learned here at Grace Ministries International, and helps people who are suffering in low joy, to find themselves and connect with God again.The understanding of walking in the spirit, or walking after the flesh, is directly related to how well our brain is functioning and whether or not we are attuned to what God sees in His Love, or our own fear based view of things when we are triggered or shut down. The ability to calm ourselves and appreciate what God sees has a way of turning us on to His love and helping us to act and think more like ourselves. It’s a wonderful process to experience. I get to see the lights come on in my office every day!

His design of our mind, body and spirit is miraculous and He wants us to learn and grow in our ability to see as He sees, with the eyes or our heart, so that we can love as He loves!

I am already seeing incredible transformation in my family and in the people I work with as a result of this training. I see what God sees more readily; I attune to what people are feeling. I am aware when I can’t attune that I need to turn to Jesus for help.  It’s amazing, and I still have so much to learn!

I can feel God’s joy welling up in me as He sees His peoples’ hearts restored. Marriages are healing; children are being seen and known and loved well; friendships are being restored; people are realizing their dreams and desires and finding the energy and discipline to pursue them.

 Jesus makes His love known through His spirit in each of his beloved children. This verse sums up what I have been feeling as I do this work with Jesus.

In alert expectancy such as this, we’re never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary—we can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit! (Romans 5:5 MSG)

In short, my joy bucket is filled to overflowing! I am so glad that your heart can share in the generous outpouring of the Father’s love even as you read these words!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tender Mercy

Good morning my little one. I love you with great affection and compassion. I am the God of tender mercy and father of all comfort who holds your heart in moments of distress. When you are feeling angry or confused, I hold you. When you are feeling sad and lonely, still I am there with you, holding you. When you feel despair and think you're helpless and cannot go on or deal with the problem in front of you, I am with you. I am in you as the energy to do your life. It is so easy for your mind to give up on a problem or a person. But I never fail and I never give up on anyone. My power is the incredibly gentle power of love. I never force anything or anyone, yet I endure all things and believe all things for all people and all times.

I love each person into being and I hold him or her in that love binding you all to each other. Whether you see it or not, you are part of an unbreakable community of love. I want you to see it. I want you to live in the joy of this union.

 You are not to worry about broken connections in the families of origin that you come from. Instead let me heal them as you look to me, the only true connection this world can ever know.

2 Corinthians 1:3 All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort—we get a full measure of that, too. 

Monday, January 11, 2016


I hear these words of encouragement leap up in my heart as I listen today. 

"Today is a new day, beloved. Today is a day to grow even more healthy by letting the holiness that exists at the center of your being infuse all your thoughts and actions. I am the holiness, in all my love for you and the intimacy we share. Together we are this glorious health that springs up eternal in your heart. This health lives and breathes through ideas and thoughts and words, images and dreams and desires. Let the living center of your being breathe in all wonder and delight. Look at the fountain and be still. Drink from the fountain and be satisfied. Listen to the fountain and let your heart be glad. Dance beside the fountain and let our ecstasy be complete."

John 4:14 But whoever drinks the water that I give him will never be thirsty again. But the water that I give him will become in him a spring of water satisfying his thirst for God, welling up, continually flowing, bubbling within him to eternal life. (AMP) 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Do you see what I see?

My little one when you look around and see only darkness it is because your eyes are filled with darkness. When You see as I see you can see my life in all people and in all things. When you see my light, my energy, my joy, my peace and my life flowing through you and through all people, you will be filled with joy and hope. This is what it means for your whole body to be filled with light. Let your eye be whole and single as you see reality: I am your only true reality and I am the resurrection and the Life!!

 Take a moment right now to see as I see. See my energy that holds all things together by the power of my will. See my love that draws you to each other in bonds of joy and compassion. Do not see the flesh with all its delusions of grandeur and delusions of failure. Instead see my spirit at work in you and at work in all the world. See my life, my light and rejoice!

 You see what is broken; I see the power that is still holding all things together. You see what is hurting and in pain; I see my power to heal working through you and all people.

 Do you see how this works now? Everywhere you look you see limitation in flesh and failure. But I come alive in you because I am constantly and fully aware of myself and my power and my love, I see nothing but the places where my glorious plan and my perfect work is succeeding!

 Oh let me open the eyes of your heart that you may see all things filled with the light of my love! Oh let me open your ears that you may hear the glorious universal rejoicing! Oh let me share with you in every one of your senses and emotions the full flow of my living water that abounds in you and in all things that live and move and have their being in me!

 I want you to see my life and my light and my love at work in your children. See me joyfully spilling out in their words and their gestures, their play and their feelings, their attention to you and to each other!

 When you see this you will believe fully in what I am doing and you will feel no pressure to accomplish anything on your own.

 Oh my beloved! I would have you see your beloved-ness right now! See it! Feel it! Live it! Love me in the midst of my abundant love for you. Love yourself within the cataract of my ecstatic union with you. Love each person and draw near to their heart because they are one with you even as I am one with you. Let compassion and empathy flow in you like a torrent of joy.

 In this moment I would have you feel fully in your body what the spiritual realities are like. Do not hold back. Let the ecstasy and the intimacy flow over you in a waterfall of life.

 Do not hesitate for a moment to taste this sweet living water. Taste and see that I am good! Bury your face in the depths of this flow and drink great drafts of delicious life-giving elixir!

 My life flows rich and full in the face-to-face awareness of mirror rejoicing!

 Let all tiredness be borne in the rich energizing flow of this communion. As glances of love pass between us in this eye to eye, expression to expression synchrony, let your ecstasy be amplified constantly in the shining face of my love upon you.

 Let my joy be in you and let your joy be mature. This full joy always draws you back to me no matter what else you may be feeling. Your most difficult and overwhelming feelings simply wash you back onto the shore of my love which always stands stable beneath your feet. All you have the need to do is stand firm on the secure foundation of my love and all overwhelming feelings will simply wash over you

 As they wash over and through you, you will be transformed by my love that holds you firm. Let your mind be renewed by the transformative power of my spirit even as you walk through the fire of feelings, the flood of feelings, the earthquake of feelings or the great tornado of feelings. In all of these you will not be shaken, because you have received the kingdom of my love which is unshakable! You have heard the still small voice of my love which calls you by name and creates for you an eternal identity in my perfect embrace!