As part of our continued learning process, Dawn and I
recently attended Thrive Training with
the Life Model Works in Austin Texas and we had an incredible experience of joy
and transformation. We needed to attend as bonded partners because so much of
the work involved non-verbal, eye to eye communication and building joy. This is training for the right brain, the emotional control center. While most instruction is primarily left brained information and language focused, this work is done with the right brain where emotions, sensations, and our sense of our own identity are processed. These
are so important to the work that I do as a counselor and trainer, and crucial
to our marriage and family life as well. We had an incredible time of bonding
that felt like a second honeymoon to us. Our kids were able to enjoy a week
with their friends Gwennan and Will Rothnie, as Mark and Donna Marie we
generous enough to care for them so that we could do the training. We are so
grateful for this opportunity! If you’d like to learn more about Joy and the
brain studies, this video of Jim Wilder is a good place to start. If you want a more bite sized peek into the subject, this is Jim telling about his own encounter with Jesus in a short interview.
The training is focused on teaching brain skills and
learning to “turn on” the part of our mind that allows us to connect with God,
with our own spirit, and with other people in loving bonds. “When the best of
our brain and spirit are in shalom (peace) we are open, interested, flexible,
self-reflective and use all our senses. We work to have the other person
collaborate with us to reach understanding. We receive, process, respond,
explore, understand and join. When we lose shalom our brain suspends the best
brain and relational functions: self-reflection, attunement and mind sight. We
feel alone, disconnected, and purposeless, we lose our sense of possibility and
our role in the current situation, group or activity.”
I have found that this
teaching builds wonderfully upon the
foundation of grace I learned here at Grace Ministries International, and helps people who are
suffering in low joy, to find themselves and connect with God again.The
of walking in the spirit, or walking after the flesh, is directly
related to
how well our brain is functioning and whether or not we are attuned to
what God
sees in His Love, or our own fear based view of things when we are
triggered or
shut down. The ability to calm ourselves and appreciate what God sees
has a
way of turning us on to His love and helping us to act and think more
ourselves. It’s a wonderful process to experience. I get to see the
lights come
on in my office every day!
His design of our mind, body and spirit is miraculous and He
wants us to learn and grow in our ability to see as He sees, with the eyes or
our heart, so that we can love as He loves!
I am already seeing incredible transformation in my family
and in the people I work with as a result of this training. I see what God sees
more readily; I attune to what people are feeling. I am aware when I can’t
attune that I need to turn to Jesus for help. It’s amazing, and I still have so much to
I can feel God’s joy welling up in me as He sees His peoples’
hearts restored. Marriages are healing; children are being seen and known and
loved well; friendships are being restored; people are realizing their dreams
and desires and finding the energy and discipline to pursue them.
Jesus makes His love
known through His spirit in each of his beloved children. This verse sums up
what I have been feeling as I do this work with Jesus.
In alert expectancy such as this, we’re
never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary—we can’t round up enough
containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the
Holy Spirit! (Romans 5:5 MSG)
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