Monday, June 18, 2012

Breathe: The gift of Life

A Meditation

With each Breath
to be aware
of the gift of life
you are offered in this moment.

Yah-weh, breathe in, breathe out
Father of Lights, gives this perfect gift
the breath
so now
at first
become aware
of the Sea of Air that surrounds you
a gift of Grace
pushing its way
into your lungs
with each breath.

Allow God to speak to you
Listen to His voice
with each breath you breathe

My Little One
I love you
let this breath be a sign
of my Love for you
Rest in Me in this breath
and this one . . .
and this one . . .

I chose the moment of your first breath
and I will decide
when you will breathe your last
and be gathered to your people.

Receive each breath
between your first and last
as a gift of my Presence in you.
I am the Spirit of Life
the breath of Life
the wind of God.

I blow where I will
and no one can control my choice.
And so it is with you.
I breathe you
in and out
and no one can say
where My Breath will lead you.

So rest 
as I pour life into you
moment by moment
breath by breath
thought after thought
flowing through you
in an exchange
of life for life.

I am Jesus, breath of life
Every breath you take
you take in Me

Ride the wave of this breath
it is a wave of mercy, gently swelling
a wave of love, gently receding

See My Face as I give you this breath.
I breathe on my disciples and I say
Receive the Spirit.

Breathe in
ride the wave of my Grace 
with your whole body breathing
Breathe out
feel the motion of my Love
falling on the shore of your heart
so gentle, so subtle,
you hardly notice
just beneath your conscious awareness
until now.

Now you are made more fully aware
of my Presence
in each Breath
of your dependence
as I breathe you into existence
with each impulse of your body
to take air in
and push it out.

Let My Love swell and break
and recede, wave after wave
on the edge of your awareness.

Sit with Me
enjoy the silence
enjoy your own breathing
feel the breath entering your body
and leaving your body
be still with Me
and know that I am God
I am for you
with this breath
and this one

all you need
the breath of Life.

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