Friday, December 9, 2011

Oh Come Let Us Adore Him

Oh Lord, My Lord
I take this moment now
to adore You.

To realize, breathing quietly
how my heart, my deepest emotions
are longing for You
and fulfilled by You
all at once.

You truly are the King
terrible in Majesty
and yet You are my Friend.

Your face is so familiar
to my minds eye:
the kindness and compassion
the understanding smile
the laughter and mischief
of a playful companion.

And Your eyes,
so passionate, piercing
and beautiful to behold
as you hold my face in your hands
and look into mine.

You speak my name
and suddenly we are alone
the whole universe gone silent and still around us,
spinning no more
because You have given me
Your full attention.

My Lord Jesus,
I am set to adore You
for who You are
and all that I can see
is Your love for me.

Love, bright, resplendent
radiating from You, for me.
My adoration is a candle
ignited by the sun
of Your presence.

To me,
right now
this Love
is who You are.

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